We can be rude about the supermarkets but at 7.00pm on a Tuesday evening after work there aren't that many other options in Birkenhead to pick up some food to cook for the evening. I went in without any great expectations and came out better than anticipated with a couple of duck legs and a pomegranate that was going cheap - so all for less than £3.00.
I had at the back of my mind that there were recipes for duck and pomegranate and a quick flick through a couple of books showed I was right although it transpired I could have picked up some walnuts as well. I pierced the skin of the duck legs and browned them in olive oil in a heavy pan over a medium heat for 15/20 minutes. I took them out whilst I cooked off a finely sliced onion and a squashed clove of garlic.
I squeezed out the juice from the pomegranate I had bought (wishing I had got two) and the juice from a lemon. This was added to the wilted onions together with a tablespoon of good honey, a seasoning of salt and pepper and a good splash of water. The duck legs were put back into the pan and I put the lid on and left it on a low heat for almost an hour.
By that time the duck was cooked but there a good layer of fat on the sauce. So I took out the legs and kept them warm on a plate. Taking the pan off the heat I used some paper kitchen towels to skim off the fat gently layering them down to soak it up before carefully lifting and discarding. Once the fat had gone the pan was put back on the heat to allow the sauce to reduce for a few minutes whilst I cleaned off some green salad from the garden. The rain from the last few days seems to force the soil into all corners of the green leaves so it needed a good soaking. Once it was clean and dry I poured the sauce over the duck legs and used the green salad to help soak up the juices. They were delicious.
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